Brand Bible: The Complete Guide to Building, Designing and Sustaining Brands, by Debbie Millman

Rockport Publishers Feb 2012
Editorial Contributor

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Brand Bible was a SVA grad school collaboration with our Chair Debbie Millman, seeking to provide a comprehensive guide to brand design fundamentals.

Chapter 9: The Evolution of Revolution

I co-wrote chapter 8 "The Evolution of Revolution" with Curtis Wingate reflecting on the brands that shaped the 60’s & 70’s. We discussed Pepsi's pivot to the targeted "Pepsi Generation," the impact of Volkswagen's candid and quirky approach to advertising, the adoption of Levi's by the youth culture, how Rolling Stone created personalities through journalism while People created journalism out of personalities and the ultimate demise of iconic PanAm.

Chapter 23: How to Brand a Hotel

Interviewed Scott Williams, Founder and President of Scott Williams & Co, former Chief Creative Officer for Starwood Hotels. Scott shared stories of the challenges and triumphs of creating global brands, strong core values and the power of observational research.


Time Inc. Annual Report


Audible Global Brand Guidelines